Sunday, August 29, 2010

Spreading Seeds - The Henge

My urge to spread seeds overcame me yesterday evening.  I carefully opened the little seed packets that Danielle so carefully prepared for me and I spread half of each of these in the 'henge:
columbine - purple/yellow
delphinium - front light blue
delphinium - pale purple, pale blue, white centre

Also, moved pink and white physostegia from the woods garden into the henge, and a blue fescue.  Had also planted alpine columbine and blue lobelia.  Kelly has planted the sea lyme grass in a buried planter near the entrance.  I think it might be time to start a map.

1 comment:

  1. It is definitely time to start a map because I am already lost and you know how I like to be kept in the loop :)

    Not sure on the delphinium picture, I took that seed in 2009. I will check my last year's photo's when I get my own computer back up and running. All the older photos are there.
