Sunday, October 23, 2011

Best of August 2011

I didn't do nearly as much picture taking this gardening season as in previous years.  Because I didn't buy many new plants this year, I was thinking that my photos would mostly be repeats from previous years.  However, I did have several things bloom for the first time this year: including new daylilies planted last year and two hydrangeas that I've been too lazy to protect over the winter.  The winner for new perennials this year has to be the new pink coneflowers planted in Kelly's garden.
Echinacea purpurea
It's now late October and these flowers are still going strong!  Here's some more pictures from August.


  1. ...and I missed seeing your pictures this year. Next year I am going to poke at you to get them up for me :)

  2. Oh and about the coneflowers.... I wish, I wish, I wish! Yet another plant that doesn't do well here with our short season eventhough we can grow them. They do much better if I buy seedlings that are a decent size and treat them as annuals. Pretty expensive annuals though!

  3. These are in front of a patch of Blue Boy phlox and they kind of got lost when blooming together. Next year the phlox moves and we're going to get white coneflowers to plant with the pink. Even these plain varieties aren't cheap. I'd like to invest in a yellow or orange variety for out front next year too.
