Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kermesina Blooming

Almost missed these few blooms way up by the garage.  My clematis in the pot finally bloomed and is definitely going to move before next year.  It certainly looks nothing like in the past.


  1. Holy cow! The in the past photo is awesome. Where are you moving it to?

  2. The thing with this clematis is that grows to 9 or 10 feet, about double what a typical clematis grows. It's also quite woody - the stalks aren't as flexible. If the pot had worked, it would have been perfect climbing up the garage. I really need to invest in some 10' wrought iron rods for this baby. It can't be that hard to find a place that sells wrought iron. I could put it in the gap to the driveway side of the big Opus Ones or where I'm moving the tall phlox from, closer to the deck.
